Gender Justice Accelerator

The SAHR Gender Justice Accelerator Program is a twelve-month funded program preparing human rights defenders (Fellows) with the skills and tools to meaningfully participate in SGBV law and policy-making and implementation.

How it Works

Why it matters

Having a network of peers through the fellowship, who we can rely on for technical support, can be uplifting and rewarding.

 It gives us confidence in our interventions, and, empowers us to dream big and seize opportunities in law and policy, to change things.

Impact so far:


Since the launch of the Accelerator in 2020/2021, SAHR received over 300 applications, from 30 countries in Latin America, Africa, South West Asia, Central and South Asia. Thirteen applicants were appointed as fellows.  


Through the 2022 fellowship cycle, we mentored 6 civil society leaders on multiple gender justice projects targeting widespread and systematic sexual violence committed in Argentina (the municipality of Buenos Aires), Pakistan (university), Nigeria (community affected by Boko Haram), Mexico (a prison) and Indonesia (disabled community in Banda Aceh). 


Through the 2023/2024 fellowship cycle, we have been mentoring 6 human rights defenders from Kenya, Afghanistan and Argentina to:

  • Research and document incidences of SGBV in their communities 

  • Draft local and policy responses to SGBV

  • Train a network of 30 paralegals and;

  • Advise on cases of sexual and gender-based violence 

The Accelerator Program uses the following approaches to law and policy reform and SGBV case representation and advocacy:

  • Intersectional to take into account victims’ multiple vulnerabilities

  • Trauma-informed to take into account of victims’ trauma 

  • Survivor-centered to put survivors’ well-being, security and choices at the heart of our response.

SAHR’s 2023-2024 Fellows

Read the stories of our Fellows from 2021-2022

SAHR working with Yasmine on a case of sexual violence before Vanuatu courts

“The SAHR team guided me to collect evidence and provide input into legal arguments while developing my legal skills.

Thanks to their incredible team, I finally was able to execute an intervention that was rooted in a survivor centered approach. I would not have the confidence or ability or will to do so, if I hadn't met the team at SAHR.

Please know the work you guys do transcends beyond us and we are coming together as women to help other women.”

Yasmine Bjornum, Founder of SISTA
Check out their incredible work here!

Apply for the 2024-2025 Fellowship