Justice Lab

A place for experimentation and creativity in advocacy

How it works

What is a Justice Lab?

The Justice Lab is a platform where advocates come together and  practically respond to current events, cases, issues and opportunities.

Is it for me?

Yes, if you are passionate about law and public policy and its power to make meaningful and lasting change to social justice.

Why law and policy?

Because it is the study of ‘influence’ and ‘the influential’, as Harold D. Lasswell, puts it.

The work of law and policy has traditionally been the domain of the elite and educated. But we know best the problems in our community. So when we can master law and policy,  when we can develop a point of view, and position a solution, that is when we can truly influence justice.

How we have used the lab as a platform?

In the past, we have taken up cases in court and supported advocates to reform law and policy, and, advocate before the UN and international community.

For example, we have supported interventions in cases of sexual violence in  Afghanistan, South Sudan, Vanuatu and Columbia. This involved interviewing survivors and witnesses, gathering evidence, submitting petitions to government entities to compel action, negotiating with governments, conducting international advocacy, submitting reports to UN entities and amicus briefs to international courts to advocate for a position in a matter.

Read about our cases here.

We have also conducted workshops and given mentorship and advice on the following thematics:

  • Interpreting gender-equality in Islamic law​ 

  • Applying intersectional analysis when documenting violations in a case

  • Drafting legislation on rape and sexual assault

  • Developing policy on sexual harassment in higher education

  • Drafting submissions on reparations and compensation for survivors of sexual violence

  • Developing recommendations to the international community on urgent issues

  • Interviewing vulnerable survivors and witnesses

Out of our Justice Labs, we have also developed a range of resources and tools* for advocates, including an e-resource of landmark case law on women's rights under Islamic law. 

*Some of the tools were published under our former name, "Femin Ijtihad" ('Ijtihad' means critical thinking of law).

Who runs the labs?

The labs are peer-led. They are convened and facilitated by advocates in our network.

What is the format?

In the past our Justice Labs have taken various forms, from workshops to one-on-one mentorships, dialogues, seminars, working groups, town halls and check-in calls.  They can be virtual or in-person. The format of the lab is based on what is most effective and appropriate.  

Why it matters

Having a network of peers through the lab, who we can rely on for technical support can be uplifting and rewarding.

It gives us confidence in our interventions, and, empowers us to dream big and seize opportunities in law and policy, to change things.

Learn how our programs make an impact.