Digital Dialogue on "The Virtuality of Violence"

SAHR’s Digital Dialogues (DD’s) on Gender and Human Rights are a space for intellectual exchange. Typically, it consists of SAHR members participating in a discussion around written texts and/or multimedia resources that engage the politics of gender within a wide spectrum of geographic contexts.

Our latest edition of DD’s focus on online forms of gender-based violence and harassment in online spaces- “The Virtuality of Violence”. Conversations were centred on three pieces of reading material, ranging from academia and personal opinion pieces. These include Murray, Craig D. and Judith Sixsmith. 1999. “The Corporeal Body in Virtual Reality.” , "I Said Yes But I Was Raped: Cyber Rape and Consent.” via Feminism in India, and Dixit, Neha, “Why Did You Let Him Shoot That?’ : An Indian Woman’s Story of Revenge Porn.”. Further details of these publications can be found in our summary below. The discussions brought important themes to the fore regarding what constitutes violence, personhood, the body, and digitality.

You can ready the full summary on our conversations here, created by our Director of Research; Helena Zeweri. If you would like to participate in future Digital Dialogues, please click here to register your interest.


Supreme Court of India: Sex with Minor in Marriage as Rape


Review of Ministry of Higher Education Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy