Twitter Curation for Safecity

SAHR curated the Safecity handle on Twitter last month focusing on perspectives of Justice and Accountability. The series explored different conceptions of how justice is understood across regions and contexts, what it means, and the access to justice through formal and informal means.

We conducted a live tweet chat on Friday 29th September, raising questions which further redefined justice. The idea conveyed through the tweet chat is - justice is not merely giving a criminal a sentence, but along with it - a systemic change, a stronger implementation of the existing laws. And justice is not totally delivered until the government (along with punishing the criminal) extends support to the survivors, provides them the opportunities for the betterment of their life. The discussion further reminded us of our responsibilities of supporting the victims, fighting for their rights and thus, converting the victims into survivors. The tweet chat was concluded after answering the question - who really is accountable for all this?

Safecity have put together a storify of the tweet chat along with some answers! Below are the 5 questions we asked for the tweet chat.


Meet the team: Natasha Latiff


In Conversation with: Gutam Bhatia